Primus API

Full Project Repository:

This project was built with Turbo 360. To learn more, click here: This API is used to display the League of Legends or VALORANT rank in a chat. If you want to see it in action go to my Twitch channel: and type: !elo in the chat.

Show the Rank

If you want to see the json result that Nightbot puts in my chat you can use the following link:


After cloning into repo, cd to project root directory and install dependencies:

$ npm install

To run dev server, install Turbo CLI globally:

$ sudo npm install turbo-cli -g

Then run devserver from project root directory:

$ turbo devserver

To build for production, run build:

$ npm run build

Show the Rank local

After successfully installing the tool open the site in your browser. Most likly it will be running on localhost:3000. Only the Routes /league and /valorant are available to recieve ‘GET’ requests. Enter my Summoner Name after the /league Route: /omni_primus. Only the following links should give you a result:
